
New for 2021!

Leo Welch wrote DownRiver as a part of a composer-in-residency at the Peabody Conservatory Preparatory Guitar Department in Fall, 2020. The piece was co-written with the preparatory students, as they provided creative musical examples of rhythms, melodies and harmonies as we learned about the craft of composition together. The result is a work that is uniquely collaborative with the student’s figurative fingerprints permeating the musical textures of the piece.

The title is also collaborative. After the piece was completed, we developed a contest regarding the naming of the piece; “Downriver” won by a landslide vote. The students imagined that the piece took one on a musical journey down a river through unexpected twists and turns, startling bumps over rapids, calm pools, and final lurches over rocks.

We hope that you enjoy performing DownRiver as much as we enjoyed writing it for you.

Note: This product is available as a digital download only.

Additional Information

Watch the introductory video to learn more about DownRiver from composer Dr. Leo Welch and project manager Dr. James Keretses.

You can also watch the virtual performance of DownRiver by the Peabody Preparatory Advanced Guitar Ensembles and Guitar Performance Academy Ensemble.

SKU: CGR103D Category: